Freshly Squeezed – Refrigeration for compact kitchens

Responding to the demand for ever-decreasing kitchen space, Williams has developed a range of products that, while compact in size, are big in performance.

Williams develops small kitchen range.

Responding to the demand for ever-decreasing kitchen space, Williams has developed a range of products that, while compact in size, are big in performance.

The range offers superb flexibility, with many models suiting a variety of applications and in the smallest footprint possible. All off which means Williams can help maximise the efficiency of a kitchen - whatever its size.

Williams Products for Small Kitchens

Jade Slimline: Products such as the Jade Slimline counter range have all the features of the standard range, but with a reduced depth of just 500mm making it ideal for compact kitchens.

Mobile Prep Well: The Williams PW4 Prep Well is a unique and innovative concept that provides the solution for kitchens, without the space for a conventional prep station.

Compact and mobile, the PW4 can be moved around the kitchen to wherever it is needed, ensuring fresh ingredients are always on hand.

Thermowell: The new TW4 model has storage for 4 of 1/6GN pans and can be placed on top of counters or wall mounted to free up even more space.

Blast Chillers: Blast Chillers are typically seen as too big for compact kitchens but with the easy to operate Williams under counter blast chiller (WBC10) you can ensure compliance with food safety without sacrificing workspace.

Planning Small Kitchens

There are big challenges for anyone designing a small kitchen – fitting in the needs of the workflow, services and equipment is a precise balancing act. To help, Williams has produced a guide to refrigeration for small kitchens, as well as a dedicated small kitchens brochure, detailing all the refrigeration products that you are likely to ever need.